2003 Auger Sample Work
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The sampling procedure proved to be both efficient and effective for obtaining
controlled volume samples of cultural materials, as we had predicted,
but fragile artifacts (bone and pottery) were found to be even less broken
than in standard 30 cm-shovel probes or shovel-excavated 0.5 x 0.5 meter
squares. Additional auger samples in short transects were added to expand
initial observations, and to begin systematic coverage of the main Mississippian
area. Several very deep auger samples revealed a probable mound with a
burned structure, as well as deep features of unknown type.

After the soil profile in the auger hole was documented, Donna Kinser,
Jeanne Burke, and Cheryl Munson screened the stockpile of excavated
soil from the hole to collect artifacts.
The hole is being backfilled in the process.

One sample (N1000, E980) revealed a large, deep deposit (probably
a large pit) which contained abundant animal bone and pottery sherds,
including several sherds of the
non-local Mississippian ceramic type Fortune Noded.

Our frequent observers (and bucket-tippers, flag-removers, dirt pile-foulers…).

Deep cultural deposits found at N980, E900 suggest mound construction
and a burned structure.
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