2003 Work
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Avocational, professional, and student volunteers have made it possible
to cover a large area with the auger sample survey.
View of Prather site mounds, which have been much deflated by 170+ years
of plowing. Blue van on northeast possible mound, white Blazer on largest
northwest mound , red 4-Runner on distant southeast possible mound, and
red Suburban on southest mound. E.Y. Guernsey excavated on the northwest
mound in the 1930s, and Dr. Donald Janzen excavated a trench there in
1971. The artificial construction
of the southwest mound was confirmed by our project. The northeast and
southeast possible mounds require detailed soil cores or excavation to
Screening work on the E1100 line.
Gwyn Henderson (Kentucky Archaeological Survey),
David Pollack (Kentucky Heritage Council), and Mariah Yager (IPFW student)
in the foreground. In the background is the railroad embankment
and State Highway 62.
How many archaeologists does it take to screen a Prather site sample?
(Last sample for the week….but it was a glorious week. How long
can sunshine
and 80-degree weather last in November????)
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