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Co-Directors of the research project are Cheryl Ann Munson of Indiana Univeristy - Bloomington and Dr. Robert G. McCullough of IPFW.

The project has received the generous support of: the landowner; professional archaeologists at many institutions in Indiana and Kentucky; the Falls of the Ohio Archaeological Society; regional historical organizations; and volunteers.

        National Park Service    Indiana Department of Natural Resources
   Historic Preservation and Archaeology    Indiana University trident logo

Questions or Comments?
Last Updated 2.07.2004



Fall 2003 Work
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Cheryl Munson cleans soil from auger. Perry Harrell driving tractor
Cheryl Munson cleans soil from auger. Perry Harrell driving tractor. The target depth is 0.5 meters, so plow zone and shallow midden deposits
can be distinguished from B Horizon soils

Sundae Murphy and Richard Lyons use a trenching tool to lift out loosened soil, and stockpile it on plastic for screening
Cleaning out the augured holes has been a big job, and one that volunteers help with. Sundae Murphy and Richard Lyons use a trenching tool to lift out loosened soil, and stockpile it on plastic for screening.

Person using a posthole digger
A posthole digger is helpful in cleaning out the deeper holes
(work by Tony Prather and Chris Kokojan).

Mark Milliner and Lesley Rumbley screening the augured soil
Mark Milliner and Lesley Rumbley tackle the job of screening the augured soil.

complete pottery vessel in one of our 12-inch auger samples
The auger rarely breaks artifacts, but it did happen. Still, what are the odds of finding a complete pottery vessel in one of our 12-inch auger samples?


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