Co-Directors of
the research project are Cheryl Ann Munson of Indiana Univeristy -
Bloomington and Dr. Robert G. McCullough of IPFW.
The project has received the generous support of: the landowner; professional
archaeologists at many institutions in Indiana and Kentucky; the Falls
of the Ohio Archaeological Society; regional historical organizations;
and volunteers. |
or Comments?
Updated 2.07.2004
Conference Papers
presentation on the 2003 work at Prather was made at the SEAC (Southeastern
Archaeological Conference) / MAC (Midwest Archaeological Conference) joint
annual meetings this past fall.
The PowerPoint presentation has been compiled into a downloadable .pdf
file to make it widely available to interested readers. One slide to a
page including the lecture notes on each slide. Feel free to make use
of the zoom function with Adobe Acrobat reader - the images look great
Right click
and "save as" to download or just click to load in your browser
(if you have the Acrobat plugin installed)
2004 SEAC/MAC Prather Site Presentation
meg .pdf file)