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Co-Directors of the research project are Cheryl Ann Munson of Indiana Univeristy - Bloomington and Dr. Robert G. McCullough of IPFW.

The project has received the generous support of: the landowner; professional archaeologists at many institutions in Indiana and Kentucky; the Falls of the Ohio Archaeological Society; regional historical organizations; and volunteers.

        National Park System    Indiana Department of Natural Resources
   Historic Preservation and Archaeology    Indiana University trident logo

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Last Updated 2.07.2004



Fall 2003 Work
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Andy White using the total station
Our fall season of auger sample survey began by measuring in the selected grid locations (Andy White using the total station).


Map of Auger sample locations for Fall 2003 work at Prather
Auger sample locations for Fall 2003 work at Prather.


We selected auger sample locations based on the results of our spring work and the distribution of shell-tempered ceramics, which are the most common diagnostic Mississippian artifacts. Because the site is as large as initially reported, we prioritized samples so that we could at least identify several boundaries -- the north, west and south boundaries being the first priority. Then, if time allowed, we could tackle the east boundary as the second priority.

After the first week of work, we had measured and flagged 139 first priority samples. There are 27 second-priority samples (4 near the southeast and 23 near the east margins of the site).

Initial results from screening indicate that if we have time this year we need to expand sampling to the north to better identify the boundary of Mississippian ceramics in this area, which gives us a third priority (21 additional samples).


Person mowing the area of the auger samples
Mowing the area of the auger samples proved last summer to be essential, since grass impedes collected the augured soil. This fall the cows were gone and the grass high, so mowing was a big job. Jonathan Criss uses a mower around one of the sample location flags. Thanks to Harold Martin, the site owner, for loaning us this additional piece of equipment.

Harold Martin driving tractor
Harold Martin driving tractor and auger to the next location to be sampled. The rubber mat around the flag helps us collect the augured soil.

Co-Director Bob McCullough (left) and Harold Martin (right)
Co-Director Bob McCullough (left) and Harold Martin (right) after the first day of auguring. Harold has not only owned the site for more than 30 years but has become a key part of the research team in his work with auger sampling.

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