2003 Work
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A deep prehistoric layer and two posthole (?) features are present at
N940, E940,
below the historic disturbance.
Soil cores taken with an Oakfield sampler are sometimes needed if the
cultural deposits are deep, as they were on the south margin of the southwest
mound. Mike Strezewski describes soils exposed in the west face of the
sample at N960, E900.
At N960, E900 on the south slope of the southwest mound, a buried A-Horizon
lies beneath a dark, charcoal-flecked stratum, a higher, lighter cultural
and then a 0.11 m-deep plow zone.
The sample at N940, E960 revealed a feature on one side of the hole that
had been filled with lenses of daub (perhaps part of the basin of a burned
Stockpiled soil from auguring is wrapped up “burrito-style”
in plastic, and then rolled over the auger hole, to prevent the excavated
soil from drying out and getting rained on and to preserve the soil profile.
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