From 1996-2001, Indiana University's test excavations focused on
the residential area and the question of a central plaza.
Test units explored portions of several houses and pit features.
Testing also sampled two parts of the central plaza, where houses
were not found.
Map of the project area.
Ground Penetrating Radar image of
edge of Central plaza
Click images to enlarge. (Opens
in new window)
In 2003-2005, research was designed to check whether a fortification
wall surrounded the residential area of the village. A distinct soil
stain seen in a 1953 aerial photo suggested both the central plaza
and a palisade wall. Palisade walls were found at the earlier Mississippian
Angel site, as well as many Mississippian towns, but were unknown
for the large villages of the late Mississippian Caborn-Welborn culture. |
Aerial photo of site. Dotted lines indicate boundaries of central
plaza, and probable location of fortification wall.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys across portions
of the Hovey Lake site showed distinct anomalies that suggested houses
as well as a possible palisade wall at the far southeast end of the
village's residential area. |

Ground Penetrating Radar image of
southeastern edge of site.
Click to enlarge. (Opens in new window)
The first exploration below the surface involved 1-inch diameter
soil cores. Test excavations in 2003-2004 uncovered portions of a
prehistoric house, and beneath that wall features of a projecting
bastion built onto the exterior of the palisade wall. |
Soil core near palisade, showing first and
second cores into a shallow house basin which has a burned floor.
Like other Mississippian sites, bastions were probably placed at
intervals along the main palisade wall. They would have held elevated
platforms to help archers have a clear shot at any attacking enemies.
The bastion walls must have been massive. They probably were about
16 feet tall, because they had building trenches more than 4 feet
deep. The trenches held upright wooden posts placed about 1 foot apart.
Excavation map of rebuilt bastion.
Click to enlarge. (Opens in new window)
Excavation of house and pit features overlying
palisade and bastion wall trenches, Blocks 12 and 8,
Chad Ryan Thomas and Jonathon Criss.
Ground Penetrating Radar image of
southeastern edge of site, with interpretive overlays.
Click to enlarge. (Opens in new window)
In 2005, additional soil cores were made to trace
the main palisade wall. These "micro-excavations" revealed
a series of deep cultural deposits that formed a line which coincided
with the long, linear GPR anomaly. The 2005 test units uncovered
portions of the main palisade wall and showed that one bastion was
rebuilt in approximately the same location, but encompassed a smaller
area. Also, a second house was found to have been built over the
ruins of the main palisade wall.