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UPDATES 2003-2005
Geophysical Surveys
(1 - 2)

Recent Excavations
(1 - 2 - 3)
(1 - 2)

Field and Lab
(1 - 2)
Learn more about
Indiana Archaeology Month at Hovey Lake HERE!
Research at the Hovey Lake site in 2003-2005 is supported by: a grant from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) under the Transportation Enhancement Program, Indiana University, and private contributions. The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) administers the TE grant. Also contributing to the research project are: Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University - Bloomington Department of Anthropology, the Indiana State Museum, University of Southern Indiana, University of Evansville, Indiana State University, and community groups and volunteers.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Indiana Department of Transportation      Indiana University
Indiana University Department of Anthropology
IU-Bloomington Anthropology Dept.
Last Updated 9.6.2004



Recent Conference Papers

A presentation on the 1996-2004 public education outreach at the Hovey Lake site was made at the SEAC (Southeastern Archaeological Conference) / MAC (Midwest Archaeological Conference) joint annual meetings this past fall.

The PowerPoint presentation has been compiled into a downloadable .pdf files to make it widely available to interested readers. One slide to a page including the lecture notes on each slide. Feel free to make use of the zoom function with Adobe Acrobat reader - the images look great magnified!

Right click and "save as" to download or just click to load in your browser (if you have the Acrobat plugin installed)

Fall 2004 SEAC/MAC Hovey Lake Site Presentation
(2 meg .pdf file)

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