a Living
For food, the
villagers farmed - growing corn, beans, and squash. They also harvested
many kinds of wild plants, berries, and nuts.
Hunting and
trapping provided meat for protein. To learn which animals were
most important in their diet, specialists in archaeo-zoology are
currently analyzing animal bones we found while excavating refuse
Fishing was
also important. The Hovey Lake village was probably established
next to the lake for this reason, as well as for a supply of water
and means of transportation.
Corn and other
grains were ground in wooden mortars. Food was cooked over open
fires in pots or on spits, roasted over coals, or baked in earth
ovens dug into the ground.
Pits dug into
the ground served to store corn and other foods for later use. Special
storage buildings and spaces in houses were used for storage as