based on the
Geophysical Survey Results
2003 Excavations
Block 8: Located in the southeast edge of the residential area
and excavated to explore a large wall trench. It was initially uncovered
in 2000 test excavations, beneath an overlying burned house, but not excavated.
The large wall trench was clearly unrelated to the house because a hearth
feature and a crushed pot on the house floor was superimposed over part
of the wall trench
![Rexford Garniewicz, excavating deep wall trench in block 8.](hl-egs-rexpronesmall.jpg)
Rexford Garniewicz, Curator of Prehistoric Archaeology,
Indiana State Museum, excavating deep wall trench in block 8.
The trench extended to 4 feet below surface.
Excavation of deep wall trench in Block 8.
The postmolds were well defined and regularly spaced.
Rex Garniewicz mapping Block 8 features.
Finished excavation of Block 8, south end. A second trench parallels the
one shown above.
Two nearly parallel wall trenches are met by a perpendicular trench in
Unit 2R.
The perpendicular trench appears to abut the parallel walls rather than
form a corner.
Further excavation is needed to understand these features.