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![Ceramic human effigy head](hl-ga-head.jpg)
Ceramic human effigy head probably once attached to a bowl
(Block 1, 1997, photograph courtesy of the Glenn Black Laboratory of Archaeology).
Similar human effigy bowls have been found at the nearby Murphy and Slack
Farm sites.
![Jar rim fragment with incised decoration](hl-ga-beckwithsmall.jpg)
Jar rim fragment with incised decoration; Beckwith Incised
(from refuse-filled,
abandoned house basin in Block 3).
![Fragmentary Caborn-Welborn Decorated jar](hl-ga-decjarsmall.jpg)
One of two fragmentary Caborn-Welborn Decorated jars
found in a small pit near the bank of the lake, Block 2.
![Caborn-Welborn Decorated jar fragment](hl-ga-decjar2small.jpg)
A similar Caborn-Welborn Decorated jar fragment from the same pit.
![A complete hoe made from Dover chert. The lower right side shows removal of flakes to resharpen the bit which had been dulled by use and polish](hl-ga-hoesmall.jpg)
of a house basin and floor in Block 2 revealed a complete hoe made from
Dover chert. The lower right side shows removal of flakes to resharpen
the bit which had been dulled by use and polish.
![Polished hoe-resharpening flakes of various cherts](hl-ga-hoeflakessmall.jpg)
hoe-resharpening flakes of various cherts.