Bone Bank Archaeological Research
Posey County, Indiana
Rescue Excavations at the Bone Bank Archaeological Site in Southwestern Indiana
Indiana's First Archaeological Excavation
Survey and Testing
Project Goals
Research Stages
Expected Results
Bone Bank in 2000
Planning for 2001
Current Work
In the News
Fall 2001 Lecture
Geomorphological History
Excavation in South Block 2 was expanded to the south to encompass six additional units, 4K to 4P.
Andy Davis excavating flotation sample: To recover small-scale remains - such as carbonized seeds, nutshell, and other plant remains - a portion of the 10 cm level in every other excavation unit is sampled for special processing by flotation rather than water-screening. Flotation samples are 25 x 25 cm in size, and typically are excavated from the southwest corner of the unit, in each level that contains prehistoric deposits (recent alluvium is excluded).
Lauren Kelly Arnold processing a flotation sample: A hose is connected to a 55 gallon plastic drum that serves as a flotation tank. Perforated plastic tubing inside the tank creates bubbling water to help dissolve soil and bring low-density particles - such a pieces of charcoal - to the surface of the water. Window-screen mesh is used to line the tank and retain non-floating materials. Soil dissolves in the water, and sediments drop to the bottom of the tank. Water flows out of the tank through. a fine mesh paint filter bag connected to a spout at the top. The bag catches the floating materials.
Flotation samples are tagged using flagging tape to record field specimen number, unit, level, and zone. The paint filter bag holds bits of carbonized plant remains, and rootlets. The sample fraction in the window screen contains heavier materials.- fragments of pottery, daub, cracked rock, and bone.
Mapping Units 4N, 4O, 4P, at base of level 3 (Nicole Palmer, Brian Somers, and Don Bialkowski).
Last updated on 9/17/2001
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