Bone Bank Archaeological Research
Posey County, Indiana
Rescue Excavations at the Bone Bank Archaeological Site in Southwestern Indiana
Indiana's First Archaeological Excavation
Survey and Testing
Project Goals
Research Stages
Expected Results
Bone Bank in 2000
Planning for 2001
Current Work
In the News
Fall 2001 Lecture
Geomorphological History
Topography of the Bone Bank site, showing site limits based on river bank survey and 1998 and 1999 test excavation units (updated fall 2000 and spring 2001, to show the North Block excavation and additional mapping on the east and south).
Survey of the river bank at the north end of the Bone Bank site, during an ususually low water stage. When doing survey, the bank is carefully searched for artifacts and each location is marked with a flag.
Jocelyn Turner and Patrick Munson mapping artifacts found during survey of the river bank. (The total station is set up over a known location on the grid. When the instrument is both positioned and leveled, it can then be used to measure location points. A total station is use to map artifact locations according to the site grid, which is referenced to permanent markers. The red and white rod is topped by a prism which is the target for the laser beam emitted by the total station [transit]. When the rod is completely vertical [indicated by a bubble level], the total station will accurately record the horizontal and vertical location of the artifact.)
Patrick Munson collecting an artifact from the river bank. After mapping, artifacts are bagged individually and then logged into the Field Specimen Log.
Profile of the natural and cultural deposits at Bone Bank. Note that the vertical scale is exaggerated.
Initial work in test excavation Units A, and B, on the riverbank at the north end of the site, 1998.
Jocelyn Turner, beginning excavation in Test Units A to F, on the riverbank, 1998.
Cheryl Munson pointing to sherds in the wall profile of test Unit C, 1998.
Buried midden and shallow pit feature containing pottery sherds and cracked rock, south end of the site, looking east, 1999.
Test excavation at exposed pit features at the south part of the site, near the filled in lake at Cypress Slough, 1999. Rex Garniewicz, John Piper, and Staffan Peterson excavating.
Piper, Peterson, and Garniewicz excavating samples from pit features, 1999.
Excavation of test units, contiguous 1-meter squares on the terrace ridge crest, 1999.
Excavation of Feature 5, in progress showing profile of deposits, terrace ridge crest, 1999.
Feature 5, excavation completed.
Last updated on 8/06/2001
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