more about the archaeology at the
Hovey Lake site HERE!
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Updated 8.21.2007
Open House
Saturday & Sunday,
September 22-23
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hovey Lake Site
(rain or shine; weve got tents)
- Visit Indiana Universitys 2007 excavations at the Hovey Lake
archaeological site. Cheryl Ann Munson and her assistants will explain
research methods, interpret the deposits and materials exposed, and
answer questions.
- University of Evansville faculty and students will show how screening
of excavated soil helps systematically collect artifacts.
- Dr. Michael Strezewski, University of Southern Indiana, and students
will demonstrate methods archaeologists use to study artifacts recovered
during excavations.
- Indiana University graduate students will organize hands-on activities
for all ages including flintknapping, corn grinding, and more. Experience
life as it might have been lived by families at the Hovey Lake village.
- Sunday, 2-4pm, Dr. Nelson Shaffer, Indiana Geological Survey, will
demonstrate the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to detect differences
in soils below the ground surface.